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Trainer's cards

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it say FTP upload has failed (it's just a practice thought)

Warning: ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: 6143999 Kbytes used (99%) - authorized: 6144000 Kb in /home/docoak/public_html/trainercards/trainercardincludes/tc1.inc on line 249
FTP upload has failed! Contact Doctor Oak About this problem.
[quote author=Doctor Oak]
As you may have noticed recently, the Trainer Card Maker's been spitting out a few errors of late. The problem has been pinned down simply as there being too many cards, not enough space, blah-blah-blah.

I've freed up enough space to theoretically keep the TC Maker running properly for another couple of weeks, so in a fortnight I'm going to be deleting all the cards currently hosted to clean out the server and allow people to make new ones freely.

So, consider this a two week notice - please save your cards and reupload them to photobucket/imageshack etc if you want to keep them. I'm also going to start encouraging people to do this more often to begin with with a notice on the final page of the TC Maker.

We will continue hosting cards, of course, but I expect a purge like this to be necessary every 2/3 months - so please be aware of this fact when making cards from now on
This is on pokecharms' front page.Does that explain it?


Former Moderator
This should be in the feedback forum, where the question has already been answered. Moving and locking.
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