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Open Pokemon Civilization

"Hey, don't worry. They don't have anything to do with you. It's that king over there. You're completely fine. It's just I have to seal off this tunnel. Also, I need to speak with the king."
She growled a bit in fear, before taking in deep breaths. "Gah. Ten years and I still can't get that image out. Heh." She mumbled, before putting on her usual grin as she watched the soldiers walk past her. "Are we in Raloid?"
Hektor wasn't intimidated by the group of guards that threatened him. He was the son of the greatest soldier in history and was trained by the most skilful warriors that graced this land. This was nothing. He turned to his side so he could see both Zoruark and the guards. "And what is that?" He asked.
"No. This is an extension tunnel being built into the sea. Certain laboratories only function correctly underwater, and all caves have to be connected to our city. This one fractured, however, and collapsed. Now I have to seal it off. And deal with the fact that Hektor wants me to remove all of my tunnels or he'll make my kingdom's existence public."
"No. I want you to cease any involvement that you have with my kingdom. Any tunnels leading to any or near my cities, no spying and I don't want you anywhere near my city. Then I'll leave, or otherwise this is going to be quite an article," Hektor said.
"Huh. If you could make him forget, hypnotize him to forget, you potentially won't have to worry." Merkyury paused as she realized what she had said. "That being said! Don't tell him I suggested it!" She quickly told him, trying to cover up that she had suggested such a thing.
"We've tried that. Several times. Unfortunately, hypnosis doesn't work like that. Nearly all Pokemon have a mind too strong to alter, so the best we can do is put them to sleep."
"I guess so," Hektor replied as he prepared himself in case anyone jumped him. His attacks were on standby if anyone were to strike first.
"Or you could kindly release him, knock him out, make him think it was a dream, or even take over his kingdom. Damn there are things you can do when you can create illusions." She noticed a few glares. "Again, I should really shut up.
"Shut up Merky!" Hektor roared. "It will take twice of my own army to get me on my knees, there's no point trying," Hektor continued as he started to walk past the guards and continue exploring.
"Ah, my illusions. I do love my illusions. However, I may be able to convince somebody that they've been killed by Arceus, but I can't make somebody think this was a dream. My life would be so much easier if I could."
"Okay okay, sorry Hektor!" Merkyury apologized, miming herself zipping her mouth shut. "Phut vhere iz ze civy ove Haloid hen?" She mumbled out with her mouth shut. "Hen vhy canchoo lelease him hen ust cud ove links do Henlow zen?"
"If that's something about where Raloid is, I can't answer that. Two is too many to deal with" As they had been talking, the Bisharp had silently been surrounding Hektor. Suddenly, several Serperior lashed out with their vines, pinning his hands to his side
OOC: @Sky5372 dont Automatically hit your attacks on other characters

BIC: Hektor grabbed the vines that grabbed and then he tugged the vines in an attempt to throw them. "Just stop, don't bother," Hektor warned them.
(Sorry. It does say in her Pokedex that Serperior is famed for being able to attack stupidly fast, as well as the fact she has a higher speed stat)
The Serperior quickly released their hold, not wanting their vines to be burnt. Focusing, Hyrain quickly formed the illusion of a whole swarm of vines coming in from all sides, and the Bisharp closed in at the same time as the illusion
Hektor roared and started to immensely glow red as flames surrounded him. He punched the ground unleashing a powerful wave of flames in all directions. He used Blast Burn and directed it at all the attackers around him.
Gritting his teeth slightly, Hyrain kept the illusion together, making it feel like Hektor was being wrapped, with no part of his body being able to move
"I said, why can't you just let him go and cut off links from Henlow! What could possibly be in Henlow that you need to spy on?" She yelled as the flames burnt her and she hissed instantly. "Gah..."
"Fact is, he can't demand half of my major connections to be cut off. Henlow is above most of my major tunnels, so I need to keep it together. And it's kinda our job to keep tabs on all the kingdoms. I'm not making an exception and allowing them to develop some sort of island-destroying weapon."
"What island destroying thing? And who gave you the freaking job of doing that? And why can't you talk like two reasonable kings and negotiate?" She reasoned, before hissing in pain again. Damnit, she thought, I got a burn. Next time she got to talk to Hektor, she was giving him a piece of her mind.
"Hey, you're burnt! This is my fault. I think one of my Serperior has an oran Berry." One of the nearby Serperior handed Hyrain an Oran berry. "Here. Eat this." He said, holding it out
"No, it's no where near that powerful and we have no intentions. Of using it for domination. Only against threats against our kingdom." Hektor corrected as he avoided more attacks. "Merky, you know me. I would never steep so low to become a warmongering King," Hektor added.
"I didn't say you had one. It was an expressio- never mind. Your dust isn't an island-destroyer, but I know of another civilization that found something similar. They then created machines that could shoot tiny pieces of metal using the dust, making the metal strong enough to kill a Pokemon."
"I..." Mekryury was at a loss. "I know you're not like that, Hektor. I know you well enough to know that." She turned to Hyrain. "Also, don't change the subject! And thanks." She took the oran berry and ate it, letting her strength return. "Why can't you two just sit at a table, have some tea, and negotiate like two normal kings on a normal day? Just use your illusion and make a table and two chairs, and sit down and talk. And then you can discuss about the thing that I still don't understand."
As Foey Got Told How much it Was, He Smiled, And Put 50 Poke$ on the Counter, As He Started to leave, He Said
"Keep The change!" He Headed Back To The Castle, Only To Find Out His King Was not Their.
"Oh come on. Boys..." She sighed and huffed. "It's not that difficult. Just sit and act normal, as if neither of you have intentions on killing each other and destroying stuff. "Besides, Hektor is reasonable. I'm sure you are too, so why not just make a silent alliance and agree to never mention this ever again. Alright?"
"I'm not sure you're registering what I am saying. He. Is. Blackmailing. Me. The discussion is going to end up in the same thing, since there's no way I'm collapsing my tunnels, or allowing my kingdom's existence to get out."
"You're going to have to make a choice, 'cause I'm not letting you off with both," Hektor said. His infuriation was getting more and more stronger, the longer this argument went on.
5DX watched the fighting kings from a bird's eye view. It said: "If they find out my existence and download my data, these kind of fights will be daily." The porygon-z knew that they would fight each other to claim the power of z moves and mega evolution.
"So let me get this straight. You two are being mean to each other just because Hektor wants you to stop spying on him and is blackmailing you, whild you Hyrain, still need access to Henlow because Henlow has the most entrances." Merkyury asked, sighing a bit as she tried to make sure she didn't lose her temper.
5DX was continuing to watch this fight. One of its systems made a blipping sound that could get the attention of anyone. It went into stealth mode after that. The kings could not see it for all would be lost.
"Huh? What was that?" Merkyury heard a strange sound and felt the same electrical signals that she had gotten earlier. She looked around and followed her senses, and saw a flash of pink at the corner of her eye. "Is that..." She trailed off as she walked closer.
"You could say that. In a way. It's just he's making the demands, and I can't agree, and he's getting angry." Turning round to hear the same blipping sound, he faced the location it came from. "If there's anybody there, know I mean you know harm. If you are trying to find somewhere to stay, feel free to head down the tunnel. Nobody can find you there. This is, assuming somebody is there."