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Private/Closed Pokemon: 356.17 Days (Discussion)

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Previously Blue_Flash4 de Lafayette
Name: Nick Wilson

Title: (doesnt have one)

Age: 16
Gender: Male

Faction: Team Beat

Personality: Chill, Usually Kind, Sometimes Serious, Jokester
Info: Nick's parents died when he was 12, he moved in with Coop and now the 2 of them care for each other as if they were brothers.
Hair Color: Black with blue streaks in front.
Clothes: blue leather jacket with a black tank top under it, black pants, blue and white athletic shoes

Poliwrath "Poli" (Male), Level 70, Moves: Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Dynamic Punch, Hypnosis
Blastoise (male), Level: 67, Moves: Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Mega Punch, Rapid Spin
Charizard (shiny and male), Level 55, Moves: Flamethrower, Dragon Claw, Thunder Punch, Wing Attack
Venusaur (male), Level 53, Moves: Razor Leaf, Vine Whip, Sleep Powder, Solar Beam
Pidgeot (male), Level 47, Moves Wing Attack, Twister, Brave Bird, Quick Attack
Gyarados (male) Level 48, Moves: Fire Blast, Crunch, Hydro Pump, Hurricane


Name: Cooper "Coop" Parker

Title: (doesn't have one)

Age: 15
Gender: Male

Faction: Team Beat

Personality: Nice, and Kind.

Info: Coop has 2 living parents and 2 living brothers, he was saddened when Nick lost the only surviving family members he had left. But he was happy that Nick was moving in with him. He knows people see him as like the sidekick to Nick but he doesn't mind.
Hair Color: Brown
Clothes: green sweatshirt with a black T-shirt under, black pants, green athletic shoes.


Swampert, (Male), Level 67, Moves: Muddy Water, Hammer Arm, Aqua Tail, Earthquake
Salamence (male), Level 63, Moves: Flamethrower, Giga Impact, Dragon Pulse, Aerial Ace
Incineroar (male), Level 58, Moves: Darkest Lariat, Double Kick, Fire Punch, Flamethrower
Dragonite (male), Level 56, Moves: Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Hyper Beam
Greninja (male), Level 50, Moves: Water Shuriken, Dark Pules, Night Slash, Ice Beam
Swellow (male), Level 43, Moves: Quick Attack, Brave Bird, Aerial Ace, Steel Wing


Name: Aby Blade

Title: (doesn't have one)

Age: 15
Gender: Female

Faction: Team Beat

Personality: Shy, Funny, and Kind.

Info: She met Nick when he was 15 and quickly became one of his best friends.
Hair Color: Blonde
Clothes: She wears glasses and has blonde hair. She wears a light blue jacket and a purple T-shirt. She also wears light blue jeans and blue athletic shoes.

Empoleon (Female), Level: 47, Moves: Aqua Jet, Blizzard, Rain Dance, Whirlpool
Espeon (Female), Level: 36, Moves: Psychic, Quick Attack, Shadow Ball, Giga Impact
Sylveon (Female), Level: 34, Moves: Magical Leaf, Quick Attack, Moonblast, Mystical Fire
Alolan Sandslash (Male), Level: 23, Moves: Gyro Ball, Aerial Ace, Blizzard, Shadow Claw
Name: Ren Alveia
Title: People jokingly call him 'Psychic Ren' because of his liking towards Psychic types. He is a verified psychic, as was his father, however he does not actually possess any powers.
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Faction: Team Beat
Personality: Ren is calm and carefree, albeit a bit reckless. He loves to relax and will occasionally zone out. However, he actually has a highly analytical mind, and can think up strategies in a pinch. He seems to have two personalities, each conflicting with the other, but this is usually not apparent. However, one big flaw he has is that he becomes almost completely oblivious when zoned out.
Info: He was born to a regular family. His father was a psychic, but, not unlike Ren, he did not possess any powers. However, that did not stop him from being a great Psychic type trainer, his psychic status allowing him to train some more advanced psychic Pokemon, like his partner Shiny Alakazam. He gave Ren his first Pokemon, an egg which hatched into an Abra.
Ren's mother is non psychic, however, she is kind and is positive in her son.
Hair Colour: Ren has silky but somewhat messy black hair.
Clothes: He wears a short, grey overcoat over a white t shirt, coupled with open fingered gloves and his signature white scarf.
Alakazam (Male), Lvl 87, Nickname: Kazza
Short Backstory: Ren's first Pokemon. It was given to him by his father from an egg. Having an IQ of over 5000, Kazza is adept at telepathy, and can understand human speech, but prefers to stay mute. He likes to eat food that people eat.

Slowbro (Male), Lvl 80, Nickname: Slow
Short Backstory: Caught on a beach. It likes to relax and will sometimes ignore Ren's commands completely due to laziness. Nonetheless, when it does decide to attack, it is close to unstoppable.

Bronzong, Lvl 79, Nickname: Bell
Short Backstory: Ren's first ever capture. It was found in Mount Coronet, while he was strolling throught. It loves to make a racket, much to Ren's mild annoyance.

Drifblim (Male), Lvl 78, Nickname: Bim
Short Backstory: Hatched from an Egg given by Fantina from Ren's hometown, Hearthome City. It is Ren's main form of transport, and is very timid. It has an air propulsion jet fitted onto it so it can better control it's flight path.

Vikavolt (Male), Lvl 71, Nickname: Volt
Short Backstory: Found behind a log in Ren's backyard. After accidentally feeding it, it started to follow Ren everywhere, constantly asking for food. Eventually, he caught it, and it evolved on a hot day. It likes to eat.

I just realised how many times I said 'psychic' ohhohohohohohoho
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Here are 2 more characters I'm going to add:

Name: Jock

Title: The terrain lover

Age: 17

Faction: Team Beat

Personality: Good-hearted, Intelligent, Energetic, Inventive, Helpful, Eccentric, and Chaotic.

Info: Jock was a student at the Pokemon trainer school in the Hoenn region at the age of 5. One day, a big Mudkip began to change his dream into becoming a ground type enthusiast with a lust for extracting soil samples. That man has a nose for dirt. As Jock graduated from school, he was given an invitation from Ralph, the admin of Team Beat. Now at the age of 17, Jock will help Team Beat vibrate the ground to do some real beat-down.

Clothes: Blue Jeans, Glasses, White lab coat

Level: 39
Gender: Male
Nature: Hasty
Hydro Pump
Mud Shot
Hydro Cannon

Level: 60
Gender: Male
Nature: Kind
Drill run
Shadow Ball
Sand Attack

Level: 45
Gender: Unknown
Nature: Naive
Power Gem
Gyro Ball
Rock Samsh

Level: 31
Gender: Male
Nature: Adamant
Rock Smash
Sand Attack
Drill Run

Level: 51
Gender: Male
Nature: Hardy
Earth Power
Lava Plume

Name: Rex

Title: The Big-hearted Superhero

Age: 25

Faction: T.C.A.F

Personality: Brave, Bold, Kind-hearten, and Strict

Info: During his time in college, his uncle was a superhero saving millions of lives in Galar region. This took effect on Rex to become just like his uncle. But after he graduated, he received a letter from the T.C.A.F to remind himself that he can become the hero he always dreamed of. Half way from school, his father told Rex that he was part the T.C.A.F. So he gave his son a T.C.A.F tank top and his superhero boots to make him look like a hero from the authorities.

Clothes: T.C.A.F tank top. Army force pants, Superhero boots

Level: 39
Gender: Female
Nature: Bold
Pyro Ball
High Jump Kick
Fire Blast

Level: 65
Gender: Male
Nature: Adamant
Brick Break
Bulk Up
Circle Throw
Close Combat

Level: 27
Gender: Male
Nature: Gentle
Comet Punch
Mach Punch
Low Sweep
Cross Chop

Level: 45
Gender: Unknown
Nature: Brave
No Retreat
Close Combat
Bulk up

Level: 29
Gender: Female
Nature: Quite
Hammer Arm
Power Up Punch

Level: 75
Gender: Male
Nature: Brave
Zen Headbutt
Low Kick

Cáscara Olas

Previously IExistToo
I would like to join if I can

Name: Dien Burón

Title: N/A

Age: 13

Faction: Team Beat

Personality: Shy, Reserved and Introverted.

Info: Dien's past is unknown, he woke up one day on the side of the road with a bag and some pokéballs, the only connection to his past. The bag contains a bottle of water with a faded logo on it (It was half full when he woke up), a picture showing him younger with a man and a woman on either side of him. Their faces have been ripped off of the picture, a small paper bag containing some food and Pokémon food and a change of clothes. He wondered through the city until he came across Team Beat.

Appearance: He has pale skin riddled with cuts and bruises. His hair is dirty and uncleaned and his brown. He has brown eyes and his thin and average height.

Clothes: Worn T-shirt, scraggly jeans, sandals And a worn hoodie he found in a dumpster.


Level: 19
Gender: Female
Held item: N/A
Nature: Timid
Quick Attack

Level: 22
Gender: Male
Held item: N/A
Nature: Quiet
Water Pulse

Level: 12
Gender: Female
Held item: N/A
Nature: Gentle
Baby-Doll Eyes
Brutal Swing

Level: 18
Gender: Male
Held item: N/A
Nature: Lax
Teeter Dance
Water Gun
Mega Drain
Fury Swipes

Also Where is the story at/how will my character enter the story?


Previously Lily May
Never mind, I'm just gonna stick with Team Beat. :p

Name: William “Will”
Title: The Silent Raven
Age: 15
Faction: Team Beat
Personality: Very quiet, stoic, intelligent, and a little too observant. (Might change during the rp a bit)
Info: When William was 10, he received Gible as his starter. His little sister, Leah, was very proud of him, she wanted to be just like him. But she had heart problems and was not allowed to leave the hospital. William would visit her everyday. When he was 12 (and Leah was 10) he gave her a Skitty so she wouldn’t be lonely.
A few months later, Leah’s heart stopped…She died… William was so heartbroken when he heard the news that he ran away from home and traveled to Twilight City where he joined Team Beat when he was 15, out of curiosity and to keep his mind off Leah. Funnily, the Skitty that he had given Leah followed him, so he kept it.
He has never told anyone about Leah or where he was originally from. He hasn’t opened up to anyone
Clothes: White shirt with black stripes along the sleeves, black pants, black fingerless gloves, white sneakers, and black elbow pads.


Name: Garchomp
Level: 35
Gender: Male
Nature: Rash
Fire Blast
Dragon Tail

Name: Alolan Raichu
Level: 21
Gender: Female
Nature: Quirky
Wild Charge
Thunder Punch

Name: Umbreon
Level: 29
Gender: Male
Nature: Serious
Take Down
Quick Attack

Name: Rockruff
Level: 13
Gender: Male
Nature: Naive
Rock Throw
Double Team

Name: Weavile
Level: 19
Gender: Male
Nature: Relaxed
Beat Up
Ice Shard

Name: Skitty “Kitty"
Level: 9
Gender: Female
Nature: Timid
Tail Whip
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