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Open Exorcist Rp

This is a RP where your a exorcist meaning you fight demons.
There is several classes to choose from.
. Summoner(you summon demons)
. Gunners(you fight demons using firearms and long range weapons)
. Knight( You use close range weapons)
. Reader( You have red the bible and are basically a wizard)

All class's can use magic but Readers are much better at it.
Your in a high school learning to be a exorcist.
. Follow RP guidelines
. Don't be afraid to be 18+
. This is not a christian server there is also demons from japan, indian and other cultures so don't start preaching god your character doesn't have to christian. These demons aren't from the bible.
. Tell me if you feel like your not being put into the story collected.

Charecter sheet

.Demons-if summoner 4 is max, long ranged weapons-if gunner, close range weapons only if knight and spells if reader.
Here a the ranks of demons
1 star-bassicaly just a bother
2 as strong as huemans.
3 3 times the size of demons and can use magic and a superior to demons
4 demi goda
5 demi gods

My character
Name: Thomas Bell
Age: 16
Personality: Chirpy but very serious at times, has a strong southern accent and will not be afraid to fight stronger opponents.
Appearance: A big white top hat with black tips, a white suit, with a black and blue tie, a red suit a blue shirt, white pants and blue boots.
History: Thomas was born at a farm the farm struggled economically leading to Thomas working at the farm. Demon attaks were common but were usually only i stars that would reak havoc over the crops. At the age of 9 a 3 star demon approached the farm. His family mounted rifles and fired but . to no effect Thomas out of desperation signed a contract with the demon of Famine named hunger (4 star demon). The demon took down the demon. The demon is actually polite it just causes Famine but isn't really evil. Thomas ow attends the exorcist highschool.
Class: Summoner

Demons: Hunger- Hunger is extremely strong but Thomas doesn't understand how to use it to its fully extent or it may destroy his mind.

Appearance- a scarecrow with classic scarecrow clothes, a huge scythe, with the left eye being a button the other side has no eye. And the mouth is stitched together.

Thomas Showed up to class I can't wait for this Thomas laughed waiting for the gates to open.