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bagging pikachu are we?

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Pikachu is a very famous Pokemon. Probably the most famous. However, it's also pretty unpopular among most big fans. Probably because it's over-played to silly levels, but also partly because it's a bad Pokemon...
Why is it bad?...
Ok, first of all, take a look at it's stats. They're really, really bad... To get the most out of this Pikachu give it a Rash Nature... I must state that if you want to use an Electric type you get a much better one. Only go for Pikachu if you really want to use it because it's a favourite Pokemon. All this moveset will do for Pikachu is give it some power to pack before it dies however. It will work fine for this purpose in a strong team but if you don't have some real Pokemon behind it, using this Pikachu would be about as useful as eating soup with a fork.
I got this from the oak clinic... but its wrong information... kinda.
depending on the indervidual values (iv) and the effort value training, the pokemon stat growth can varry alot, and i mean alot!.

Individual Values have the most influence on any stat of any pokemon. It's what makes every single pokemon unique and have different stats. Say we have the mega-defensive bug type, Shuckle, and it's EV trained in both defense and special defense and it's at level 100, and a neutral nature. If we look at the base stats for this pokemon's defense and special defense, they both say 230, so you'd figure there wouldn't be much of a difference, right? Well, in reality, there can be a pretty wide difference. At level 100, this Shuckle has a defense stat that is 466, and a Special Defense stat equaling 542. Quite a wide difference there, about 80 points separated. A person using this Shuckle had better watch out for attack based moves if they are relying on defense.
Obtained this from http://www.serebii.net/games/ivs.shtml and iv tried it my self(i know its another site but its for evidance).

Calculating the iv of a pokemon requires some maths and it shows u it on that site above (move it here, its not (c)). If u catch/breed a pikachu with an iv rating of 27-31 for spec attack (31 is max) and ev train it for spec attack u can easily get a pikachu with an spec attack rating of 400-500 and if it holds a light ball the value will be doubled.... get the drift?
The only thing that should worry you now is quick attack/extreme speed which can be counted by having a nature that +def and/or a little def ev training and rock/ground types but if u have surf...
With stats like that u can actualy own a lvl 100 anything with a thundershock. if u dont have surf pikachu well.... you wont have a whole party of pikachu.

Ops... forgot to mention to change that clinic advice.
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