• Welcome back to Pokécharms! We've recently launched a new site and upgraded forums, so there may be a few teething issues as everything settles in. Please see our Relaunch FAQs for more information.

An update to our global rules.

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StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Today, we have applied a few updates to our Global Rules.

Sharing accounts and account passwords with others is now officially prohibited. This is, naturally, for security reasons - and recent events have forced us to double down on this.

Additionally, a clarification has been issued explaining that, should a user be deemed to not be using the site in good faith - and violating the spirit of the rules if not necessarily the written word of the rules - we reserve the right to take action against the offender as we see fit. While this has been an unwritten rule for a long time - we saw fit to explicitly state this.

Remember - the Global Rules apply everywhere on Pokécharms, in addition to rule sets applying to certain boards in particular (such as our RP forum rules) - make sure you read and follow them!
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