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  1. Astralpunk
  2. Luna_Yue_Cherry
  3. EthoPlays_YT
  4. SuperRubyX
  5. Chikorita35
  6. DoctorMental
  7. BooBerry
  8. Ober
  9. DoctorMental
  10. Astralpunk
  11. Astralpunk
  12. Buttercheese
  13. raymangirl6
  14. raymangirl6
  15. raymangirl6
  16. Satoren
  17. PrincessOfPyroland
  18. MeowsticWithACrown
  19. PokeDigiLover
  20. arutledge22
    Artwork by: arutledge22, Jul 23, 2014