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V For Vendetta: Eternal

by Vacat1o

"The past can't hurt you anymore, unless you let it." V
  • Vacat1o

    Episode I - New hope by Vacat1o

    Finally, the first episode of the V miniseries is finally here. This story presents a mysterious anarchist, vigilante, and freedom fighter who is easily recognizable by his Guy Fawkes mask, long hair and dark clothing, V. He fights for Vlatava, a fictional country from Europe controlled by terrorists. The episode begins with V stealing plutonium from a nuclear power plant.

    Feb 22, 2019 1,357 words 3 Likes
  • Vacat1o

    Episode II - Three-score Barrels of Powder by Vacat1o

    So here is the second episode, finally. V continues his plan, to cure Vlatava, by infiltrating inside the Parliament Palace of Vlatava, which now serves as an operation base for the terrorists. He wants to blow it up using thermite bombs.

    Apr 8, 2019 1,925 words 3 Likes
  • Vacat1o

    Episode III - The Forsaken by Vacat1o

    And here's the third episode! I was going to make it bigger, but I didn't want to stretch the waiting so I scrapped some stuff. Hopefully, I'll finish what I planned in two episodes.

    May 22, 2019 2,579 words 4 Likes
  • Vacat1o

    Episode IV - The Queen by Vacat1o

    Finally, the stars aligned and the writing gods were in a favourable mood, the fourth episode is finally here after so many ups and downs and also a few months.

    Dec 23, 2019 2,399 words 1 Like