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Tony's Journal

by Mr.RMA

Journal entries written by disillusioned student and jock, Tony Hannah, chronicling the adventures of a band of classmates caught up in the midst of a tear between two worlds and their attempts to make sense of it before their home is overrun by supernatural horrors.
  • Mr.RMA

    Entry 1: Books by Mr.RMA

    Because of the rather bizarre nature of the D&D session I've been partaking in with some friends of mine, I decided to start writing out the scenarios from my player character's perspective. It's a bit of a shift from my usual material, though hopefully it'll be entertaining nonetheless. Anyways, summary time: Tony Hannah's got a fairly standard high school life going on, at least for the average jock: school in the day, practice in the afternoon, games on Friday, the usual. However, one particular day, after choosing to trail an oddly-behaving classmate, Tony and a couple of fellow students find themselves caught up in something that is anything but conventional scholastic fare.

    Nov 23, 2016 2,823 words 3 Likes
  • Mr.RMA

    Entry 2: Rooms by Mr.RMA

    The next entry recording the misadventures of Tony, Cody and Jamie in a fantastical world mysteriously connected to their own. Their second journey immediately proves more dangerous than the first, and the three soon discover that their new forms take on far darker implications than they initially realized.

    Dec 9, 2016 2,260 words 3 Likes
  • Mr.RMA

    Entry 3: Cars by Mr.RMA

    Following after the strange girl who seemingly appeared from nowhere, Tony, Cody and Jamie start to uncover a mystery that goes deeper than they realized, and as they get more involved, more threats begin to surface... in both worlds.

    Feb 13, 2017 1,629 words 3 Likes