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The Grim Afterparty

by ThAtGuY101

  • ThAtGuY101

    The Grim Creaper by ThAtGuY101

    Who's 'The Grim Creaper'? A poison type specialist. It's his rocker nickname. He's a rock star, an alcoholic, a bare fist knuckle brawler, a hotel wrecker ,and a hell raising party boy with with a loud mouth and a gambling addiction. A losing addiction too cause he's the worst gambler with the most obvious poker face. This is a story about him and his daily lifestyle.

    Aug 10, 2020 1,558 words
  • ThAtGuY101

    It's Gambling night by ThAtGuY101

    In the previous episode a man named Fawke Love, A.K.A. The Grim Creeper, The Lead Singer of a rock band called Cold Blooded Passion. Fawke had just finished eating ,and left a couple hours after his band rehearsal had finished. Fawke was now on his way to gamble away some of his money. Hopefully this time they would leave him with more than just his goofy grin to walk home with.

    Aug 16, 2020 1,541 words 1 Like
  • ThAtGuY101

    A Cold Blooded Concert by ThAtGuY101

    Cold Blooded Passion is off to their next big concert in Mauville City. Fawke, ,and his friends; Johnny, Clair ,and Donovan are ready to to rock hard ,and party hard. That's the Cold Blooded Passion way.

    Aug 30, 2020 1,172 words
  • ThAtGuY101

    Passion and guilty pleasures by ThAtGuY101

    If your reading this title, I wanna start off by saying, its not what your thinking. Or maybe it is? What's this story about? In the previous story, Cold Blooded Passion had finished their concert ,and their after party ,and this is where the story takes off. The partying is over ,and now everyone returns to their regular routine again. This story is about Fawke and his friends regular routines.

    Aug 31, 2020 1,001 words
  • ThAtGuY101

    The Grim Halloween party by ThAtGuY101

    Every year Cold Blooded Passion has a rock concert ,and a rocking good halloween party. The Grim Halloween parties are fairly large ,and attract all sorts of people ,and even a couple other rock bands to come and play at their party as well. The music is just the tip of the ice burg. What else happens there? Guess you will have to find out.

    Oct 5, 2020 804 words
  • ThAtGuY101

    Like bad father like bad son by ThAtGuY101

    In this episode, Fawke Love is visited by his estranged father, Willie Love. Much like Fawke, Willie is an alcohalic that likes to party hard. Willie is country music singer, but occasionally delves into classic rock style music.

    Dec 13, 2020 991 words