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Crescent High: Massacre

by Luminites

  • Luminites

    Crescent High: Chapter 1 by Luminites

    They say at Crescent High, there is no going back to where you came from. Based on the game of Mafia but with a twist with students, and based on an anime called Danganronpa where once a dead body is found, all of the students go to trial to figure out who the culprit might be. However, this will be Pokemon related so it will not contain any swearing, and such like that. This series follows the main protagonist who is named, N.

    Apr 30, 2016 3,072 words
  • Luminites

    Crescent High: Chapter 2 by Luminites

    After being transported to an unknown location by Arceus, our main protagonist named N must live this new reality forever as mentioned last chapter. What awaits N in his new life at this location? Find out in this chapter of Crescent High.

    May 7, 2016 1,155 words
  • Luminites

    CH: Chapter 3 by Luminites

    After learning about the rules of the dark and twisted game made up by Arceus in Crescent High, the students are figuring out on why they are here and what the purpose is.

    May 14, 2016 640 words
  • Luminites

    CH: Chapter 4 by Luminites

    After an unexpecting explosion from the west side of the school building is heard, many of the students wonder. Could this be Arceus' doing? Or is this a student's plan to kill someone? Stay tuned for this 4th chapter of Crescent High Massacre.

    May 22, 2016 1,063 words
  • Luminites

    CH: Chapter 5 by Luminites

    After Volkner, N, Drayden, and Bianca split up to find more survivors, Clair starts looking around after some conflict with Elite 4 member, Lucian. Can all the survivors find each other safely? Has someone died because of the explosion? Find out in the upcoming chapters of Crescent High: Massacre.

    Jun 18, 2016 1,291 words