SCP-3000. "The Judge" Object Class: (Formerly: Keter) Euclid. SCP-3000 is a Humanoid SCP, having near similiar body structure to 096, the differences being that it is 2.5m in height, with average muscle mass. SCP-3000 is kept safe inside a large cell that is to be lightened up at all times. SCP-3000 seems to be wearing an all-black outfit, consisting of an overcoat, gloves, slacks and boots, along with a black fedora on its head.SCP - 3000's eyes are entirely vantablack, from the eyeball itself to the pupil and iris, and its hair has silver color pigments in it. It has a constant black circle around its feet, which it can use to spread darkness throughout whatever room its in, as long as there is either low or no light in it. It can sink into dark spots, if they are human-sized, and it can teleport to any other dark/shadowy spots in a range of a 100 miles. It uses darkness to hide itself, presumably in some sort of second dimension only it can acess. While hidden, it is nowhere to be seen or heard. SCP-3000 is also very intellect, and has been seen creating and making usage of various objects and items, including: A Pistol, A Radio, and a Keycard. While it can create objects from darkness, these objects are harmless to physical matter as it will phase right through it, and prove no purpose other than being physical objects for SCP - 3000 to create, shape and use. Objects and Items created by SCP - 3000 will vanish when a strong enough light source is shone onto them. It has no hands, but sharp, long blades in the place of hands instead, which it uses to catch and kill its victims. It has been seen to be able to use the darkness to catch its victims, creating shadow limbs from the dark circle beneath it that can grab the shadows of other entities and pull them towards SCP - 3000, then put them into a trance and bring them over to its second dimension, where, shortly after, a corpse of the victim or the victim itself, which was still alive, was found at random locations in the facility. In an interview, SCP-3000 explained that it could use its eyesight to scan the information out of an entity's brain, and could use this ability to view their past by staring into their soul. It can also be seen that he can disable various power and light sources, including disabling doors and electricity generators, even enabling the Tesla Gates. SCP-3000's voice sounds like it is speaking in many different whispers at once, the sources deeming from masculine voices of different tones and accents. It also explained that it trances beings by making direct eye contact and creating an endless swirl of red and purple colours in its eyes to hypnotize them. After some tests with two Class - D's, it has been noted that SCP-3000 is resistant to any kind of physical damage, as any physical matter passes through its body. Shortly after, one of the facility generators had an outage, causing the lights in SCP - 3000's cell to dim and shut off. The three Class - D's and SCP-3000 have disappeared shortly after the lights had turned off. None of the Personnel or Security Cameras watching saw where they went, but presumably SCP - 3000 took them into its second dimension. After interviewing on the next day, it explained that it tranced them, took them into its Dimension and stared into their Souls, looking through their past and judging whether they deserve to live or not. Shortly after it took them, it appeared back in its cell, with no sight of either Class - D's nor SCP - 3000. 2 hours after the incident, two corpse were found near Gate B with their arms chopped off, their faces were identified as the two previously missing Class - D's. Interrogation with the surviving Class - D reports that SCP - 3000's Pocket Dimension appears to have a lack of gravitational force, and a lack of time. According to the D - Class, it was a 'space of unending darkness', where the Class - D could swear could 'see red eyes fade in and out around him, silently judging him' and 'could hear the screams of terrified, pained voices, both masculine and feminine.' During an Interview with Dr. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦, Dr. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ had asked if SCP - 3000 had an origin, or a name. SCP - 3000 thought, and then replied: " Origin.. that I do not have. Darkness has always existed, and so have I. I was birthed by the darkness, molded by it. As for a name.. I did have had many throughout the generations.. though, if you were looking something like a human name, you could call me.. Tenebris. Tenebris Iudex. " Dr. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ nodded and asked what it were to do if it were stuck into a cell with another Keter - Class SCP. SCP - 3000 explained that it would take them in and judge them, just like any other entity. Then Dr. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ asked " But what if it was SCP-682 that was stuck with you?" SCP - 3000 paused for a short time, then responded in a serious tone: " As I said...Ill take it and judge it on its past...but...since I partly know what it did...It'll get what it deserves.". Dr. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ asked how he partly knew of 682's past, or how he was gonna kill it. His only response was: " You needn't know. All you need to know is this: I'll kill it in ways no mortal mind couldn't even comprehend to be possible ". The Last Question that Dr. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ had was what would happen if it were to put on 035. SCP - 3000 responsed in a dumbfounded tone. " I cannot be controlled by a mere mask, Dr.¦¦¦¦¦¦¦. I may look human, but I am empty on the inside. Just how do you think I move within the shadows, Dr. ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦? " After putting SCP - 3000 in SCP 682's Cell for a practical battle, it ended in 3000's victory. SCP - 682 first seemed to have crushed SCP - 3000 right underneath its feet, but SCP - 3000 recovered very quickly from a dark corner, which it then dissapeared in. As it was in its own dimension, it shut the lights down of 682's chamber. As previous results show, neither the personnel nor the security cameras could pick up on SCP - 3000's and SCP - 682's disappearance. After 30 Minutes, the light inside SCP - 682's Chamber had turned back on. SCP - 682's whole body was missing, and its head was skinned, and its skull cracked. SCP - 3000 had appeared back inside its cell after the incident. After weeks, we tested SCP - 3000 with SCP - 999, testing if this darkness that SCP - 3000 claims to be could experience the same effects that SCP - 999 had on all beings that had contact with it. SCP - 3000 sat in its cell, letting SCP - 999 crawl all over its body. It seemed to be expressing joy, its mouth's corners tilted upward at a 20° angle. SCP - 999 had to be taken away by force from SCP - 3000, using flashlights to hold it hostage in the corner of its cell. The day after the test, SCP - 3000 refused to co-operate and had only sitting in the corner of its cell with its arms around its legs, pushing them up to its body, in an upwards fetal position. 3 hours, the entire facility had received a power outage, and personnel was forced to resort to nightvision googles and flashlights. SCP - 3000 was no longer found in its cell, and the security breach alarm had activated. The incident with the power outage and mass breaches took several weeks to clean up, and SCP - 3000 was granted free roaming through the facility, under the conditions that it is to be accompanied by two guards with flashlights, that it can only take a route inbetween its own cell and SCP - 999's, that it must co-operate with any experiment in the future, and that it may only use its powers in the case of an emergency, or in the case of helping the SCP Foundation in a breach of other SCP's.