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by milk_tea

milk_tea Happy pride month, dumplings!
Look, I used coloured pencils and didn't fail miserably. What an accomplishment!
To those who don't know, I'm pansexual, which means that to me, everyone is the same and I love anyone. I'm not specific over gender or even appearance, though that may just specify just with me.
Also got some Korean roots, so I'm showing that off here. With my new Shiro cut n' dye, by the way.
But, anyway, just celebrate yourself. Do it for me, huh?
  1. milk_tea
    Jun 27, 2019
  2. qlovers
    @Ghostsharkcat you can be whatever sexuality you want to be, it doesn't really matter what age you are to be honest. I'm 11 too, but i'm straight lol.
    Jun 27, 2019
  3. Ghostsharkcat
    Jun 26, 2019
    Mockingchu, milk_tea and pæstella like this.
  4. Ghostsharkcat
    Im lesbian well yeah I know I'm only 11 but latly I have had a crush on a girl and well never was untreated into men
    Jun 26, 2019
  5. milk_tea
    That is a good point. It was sort of funny.
    Jun 24, 2019
  6. qlovers
    and? if it was a terrible joke, you wouldn't've given it a like. ¬w¬
    Jun 24, 2019
  7. milk_tea
    That's such a terrible joke.
    Also I'm not American so ha-ha your meme backfired.
    Jun 24, 2019
    33v33_lover and Mockingchu like this.
  8. Killerbunny the god
    Killerbunny the god
    Sure is a lack of us.

    And yeah, i feel lonely at times xD
    Jun 24, 2019
  9. qlovers
    I thought you were American.
    Jun 24, 2019
  10. milk_tea
    @Killerbunny the god
    When will our kind come? Where are they? Hello? Anyone out there?
    *cups hand around ear*
    But honestly, there's a surprising lack of pan people on this website - or at least people who are public about it. And that's fine, but we really do get lonely. Or at least I do. I don't know is killer rabbit gods get lonely.
    Jun 24, 2019
  11. Killerbunny the god
    Killerbunny the god
    Two pansexuals here as far as i know (except for my irl friend that made an account here but left it the same day). You and i. I know about some other people who might also appreciate this but i don't know their sexuality.

    I'm... completely Swedish xD

    I haven't celebrated myself this month, i was too busy planning my friends birthday (which was two days ago, and he's the one that left his account xD) and a Swedish holiday which was today
    Jun 21, 2019