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With Time and Patience

by Apocolythe

  • Apocolythe

    Ticking by Apocolythe

    Just a random series of short stories I wanted to get out of my system - and my computer. These may be in chronological order. Sorry it's so short! I kinda failed on this one, but then again I'm recovering from a flight, a sugar rush and school. And it's 21:10. (When I started) (I'm expecting hate on this for some reason >.>)

    Apr 14, 2015 75 words 3 Likes
  • Apocolythe

    Songbirds by Apocolythe

    The second short story to this series. The names of the people featured will be decided. (Good lord, every time I read this I feel like I'm talking like a robot...)

    Apr 16, 2015 130 words
  • Apocolythe

    Game by Apocolythe

    Bored. 2 stories in one day? I'm proud of myself. *Tips fedora* M'anga. M'tn Dew. I'M BORED OKAY

    Apr 16, 2015 194 words