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Halo and Rufus

by SparkyLewis949

  • SparkyLewis949

    Halo and Rufus cha. 1 by SparkyLewis949

    Halo has never had the luxury of being shiny: No one knew what Pokemon he was, and he was different then anyone else in his family. 2 years after a war he fought with other misfits, he meets Rufus, a young shiny Drilbur training to fight in future wars.

    Nov 28, 2014 154 words 1 Like
  • SparkyLewis949

    Halo and Rufus cha. 3 by SparkyLewis949

    As Halo takes Rufus to a beautiful meadow, Rufus thinks nothing of it. But as Halo shows more about it, Rufus discovers much more about Halo's past.

    Jan 27, 2015 177 words 1 Like