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Charlotte Pryce's latest activity

  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce reacted to Abyssal_Rakuen's post in the thread AR's OC art with Love Love.
    For the prompt "draw your oc being edgy" I already made a comic a while back for edgy Bibi shenanigans but I'm a bit loathe to share...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce replied to the thread AR's OC art.
    @Abyssal_Rakuen Incredible artwork! I especially liked that last one of Bibi and her Skeledirge. Question: Do you take requests? It's...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce replied to the thread Charlotte's OCs.
    And now, for the moment no one has been waiting for... OC Trainer Tidbits Tali Favorite Color: Red Favorite Drink: Sweet Tea Favorite...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce replied to the thread Charlotte's OCs.
    {Here we are! At long last, Calypso's bio. I couldn't find the image I wanted for her, but it will have to do.) Full Name: Calypso...
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  • Charlotte Pryce
    Character reference sheet commission of a grassland barbarian.
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce reacted to Abyssal_Rakuen's post in the thread AR's OC art with Wow Wow.
    For the prompt "draw your OC with their starter"! I wanted to make it clear that Bibi's facial expression can be.....Kind of...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce reacted to Abyssal_Rakuen's post in the thread AR's OC art with Like Like.
    Ooooh okay these one's are from a few days back but would y'all believe me if I said that back like, the DAY BEFORE the PLZA trailer...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce replied to the thread Charlotte's OCs.
    Thank you! That's exactly what I was going for. I enjoyed writing Nye's biography, but the more I read it the more I thought it needed...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce reacted to Abyssal_Rakuen's post in the thread Charlotte's OCs with Love Love.
    Great to finally get the rundown on Nye! I got super into your descriptions of his backstory and fights with Tali. There's something...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce reacted to Abyssal_Rakuen's post in the thread AR's OC art with Like Like.
    For the prompt "draw your oc cosplaying a gym leader"! So the thing is I really love Valerie's design....Buuuuuut to be honest I think...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce reacted to Abyssal_Rakuen's post in the thread AR's OC art with Like Like.
    Good catch! Dunno how that bit of redundancy slipped under my radar, gotta edit more next time. But still, I'm super happy you thought...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Hey guys! I'm taking a stab at songwriting, and I have an idea for some lyrics. The title I was thinking of is "Echoes of Valor", but...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce replied to the thread AR's OC art.
    That was incredible. Dramatic and dark but still so good. Most of my critiques are superficial, but as long as you want feedback. You...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce reacted to Abyssal_Rakuen's post in the thread AR's OC art with Wow Wow.
    Back again after a few days, did ya miss me? No? Too bad! Another OC writer I know wrote up a little match of their OC vs mine and I...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce replied to the thread Charlotte's OCs.
    Full Name: Aneirin “Nye” Dios Age: 25 Gender: Male Region: Unova (formerly), Kalos (formerly), Sinnoh (currently) Occupation: Ace...
    • Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 10.24.55 AM.png
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce replied to the thread Charlotte's OCs.
    I agree wholeheartedly. I always felt like Plusle and Minun should get more love. It's too bad they don't have Mega Evolutions or...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce reacted to Abyssal_Rakuen's post in the thread AR's OC art with Love Love.
    Saw a post a while back about maid/butler cafes but with the genders swapped and I think Bibi would just be the absolute worst ever at...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce reacted to Inkage's post in the thread Charlotte's OCs with Love Love.
    As far as Pokemon go, plusle and minun don't get any love so glad to see them used by somebody (although they're really weak even when...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce replied to the thread Charlotte's OCs.
    Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it. If you like drama and insecurity, you'll want to stick around for Nye's biography. It...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce reacted to Abyssal_Rakuen's post in the thread Charlotte's OCs with Like Like.
    Hell yes, good to see some more OC posting! Tali's really sweet I like her a lot, I wasn't expecting her to be so feisty based off the...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce reacted to Abyssal_Rakuen's post in the thread AR's OC art with Like Like.
    Incredibly well said! I'd totally be down to see you post themes for Tali, Nye, or Calypso so if you figure something out I say go for...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce replied to the thread AR's OC art.
    Right on! Geek away. If you can't geek out about Pokémon and Pokémon OCs here, where can you? Now, you've got me wondering if I should...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce reacted to Abyssal_Rakuen's post in the thread AR's OC art with Haha Haha.
    Haha funny you bring up battle themes, god knows if I had any musical talent I'd have composed something by now......Also y'know what, I...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce posted the thread Charlotte's OCs in Writing.
    {The Following Art was created using public free-to-use online generators. I do not own Pokémon or the artwork.} Say hello to Tali and...
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  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce reacted to Abyssal_Rakuen's post in the thread AR's OC art with Like Like.
    Don't think I mentioned it before but honestly, I think between her being a movie star AND champion, Bibi would be a huuuuuge Diantha...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce reacted to Abyssal_Rakuen's post in the thread AR's OC art with Like Like.
    Looking forward to hearing more about your trainer! Also yeah, I feel ya about having to avoid names that sound similar to ones you use...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce replied to the thread AR's OC art.
    I enjoyed it. I remember cringing the time Kieran said, "What are you? The protagonist of this story?" 4th wall-breaking or lazy...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce reacted to Abyssal_Rakuen's post in the thread AR's OC art with Haha Haha.
    Whew, phoneposting cuz I'm on break at work so hopefully this doesn't turn out horrendously written. Here's a lil comic I drew a while...
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce commented on Charlotte Pryce's profile post.
    Hmm. Not a bad idea. I'll have to think about it.
  • Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce reacted to Psycho Monkey's comment on Charlotte Pryce's profile post with Like Like.
    You could make a discussion thread for coming up with an idea for an RP. At least that way, even if you run out of ideas for where to...